크게 팽창한 영어로
"크게 팽창한" 뜻
영어 번역
- overinflated
- poofy
- hyperbolic
- puffed out
- hyperbolical
- pumped-up
- 크게 크게 [작지 않게] big; large; [상당히]
- 팽창한 elaborated; inflated
- 팽창한 부분 tumescence
- 팽창 팽창 [膨脹] [부풀어오르기] swelling; inflation; [확대] expansion; dilation; distension; [발전] growth; [증가] increase. 통화 ~ inflation[expansion] of currency. 예산의 ~ an increase in the budget. 기체의 ~ expansion of gas
- 크게 크게 [작지 않게] big; large; [상당히] very; much; far; greatly; heavily; largely; badly; seriously; considerably; highly; remarkably; exceedingly; [대대적으로] vastly; hugely; a great deal; to a great extent; [대규
- 거창한 enormous; extravagant
- 유창한 smooth; speechful; fluent
- 화창한 beautiful
- 선팽창 선팽창 [線膨脹] 『理』 linear expansion.▷ 선팽창 계수 a coefficient of linear expansion.
- 열팽창 열팽창 [熱膨脹] thermal expansion.▷ 열팽창률[계수] a coefficient of thermal expansion; thermal expansivity.
- 체팽창 체팽창 [體膨脹] =체적 팽창 (☞ 체적).▷ 체팽창계 a volume dilatometer.▷ 체팽창률[계수] the coefficient of cubical expansion.
- 팽창제 Leavening agent
- 가장 크게 largest
- 크게 다른 remote
- 크게 열린 wide